Pro sex by Miz Pink

So, today I’m feeling feisty, and I’m going to do two posts. And since it’s probably past time for Deke’s weekly sexual ramble, I’m going to give you two sex posts. Not only that I’m gonna get overly creative and do one “thou shalt” and one “thou shalt not” topic. Pro and con. As it happens, the “pro” and “con” are also kinda plays on words for the respective subjects.

So, what’s my “pro sex” topic today?

Strip clubs.

Now that means this post isn’t strictly speaking about sex, but its certainly sexual so I think we’re good to go. In terms of the professional sex business, strip clubs are much tamer and healthier than the whole prostitution thing which I would kill Sir Pink if he were to dabble in it. Prostitutes, that is. I actually don’t give a flying fig if he goes to a strip club as long as he doesn’t do it very often (which would be a waste of our money) and doesn’t hook up with any dancers who provide extra services above and beyond mere arousal (which benefits me when he comes home worked up but unsatisfied).

They didn’t have strip clubs back in biblical times, so it’s not like the Bible gives us any guidance. I suppose you could point to various passages about lust and sinning in your thoughts and coveting someone else’s woman and all that but I frankly think it would be crap.

I wouldn’t recommend stripping as a career track for my little girl but it’s not like I would disown her either. And although there were times in college I toyed with the idea, I’m glad I never went that route myself. But there are good clubs and there are women with tight bodies and decent moves who can cash in on men’s libidos without getting caught up in drugs, sex for money and the like. I don’t see it much differently than a lot of other jobs where you have risks of “going bad” when you enter the career. It’s about the person. And so I don’t see stripping as evil, and I certainly don’t see some boob-jobbed woman on a stage as a threat to me. It’s not a mainstream job but its a job and I don’t see anyone getting hurt unless they’re too naive or foolish to keep their head on straight.

I’ve been a couple male strip shows myself with girlfriends. Frankly some of the women at those places get waaaaaaayyyyyy raunchier than men who watch women strip. Heck, from what I’ve seen (and I have gone to a couple club’s with guys out of curiosity too) men actually show more deference and respect to a stripper than they do to women on the street sometimes. Show me a guy who whistles at the foxy lady who passes by his construction site and that’s probably the guy who will be showing nothing but respect for a stripper. Hell, sometimes they’re downright tongue-tied and shy. True, the bouncers who will take him out if he does something wrong might help but I think its just something weird about male wiring.

So as long as you have a healthy marriage and sex life and your man isn’t making strip clubs a regular stop I don’t think it’s your job as a good Christian wife to just tell him to stay home from that bachelor party or the outing to a club on some business trip. By the same token, I expect you guys to give us wives the same respect when we want to go see the Chippendales or something.

(Part two of today’s double feature is Con Sex)

2 thoughts on “Pro sex by Miz Pink

  1. Pingback: Con sex by Miz Pink « Holy Shit from Deacon Blue

  2. Pingback: Pole Position « Holy Shit from Deacon Blue

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