Two-fer (Late)Tuesday: WTF?

Gonna just toss the two of us into one post today…tonight…whatever. 😉

Deacon Blue

My WTF moment recently has got to be the one-two punch of the GOP steadfastly trying to deep-six President Obama’s plans just to be pissy, along with the folks on the other side who insist that the president should just screw over the GOP like the Repulicans screwed over the Democrats and the entire nation for the previous eight years.

First, as for the GOP douchebags:  Just because y’all have your nice congressional pensions to fall back on and wonderful healthcare coverage is no reason to try to make Obama fail just because you desperately want and need him to so that you can get the White House back soon. The country is hurting. Your constituents are hurting. You protecting your ideological interests and your contributors who are still rich is not the priority here. Trying somehow to fix the country is. Your economic policies for eight years sucked. They tanked our economy. They didn’t work. Trickle-down economic theory is a lie. Tax breaks for the well-to-do don’t stimulate the economy. Encouraging Americans to consume more doesn’t help the economy. You failed. Be grown men (and women) and deal with that. Get on board with fixing shit, or get the fuck out of the country. I mean that sincerely.

As for the lefties and even more moderate Democrat types who are feeling their oats and want to just beat on the Republicans: Grow the hell up. This is not a schoolyard. Returning the pain isn’t going to solve anything. It doesn’t matter if the GOP doesn’t want to work with you nicely. That’s no reason to try to rip them all new assholes. Haven’t you noticed what eye-for-eye strategies have done in the Middle East? What now, 7,000 years of animosity between Arabs and Jews? Be willing to rise above the fray. Defend yourselves if and when you need to, but stop calling for revenge tactics. They don’t pay long-term dividends that any of us want to collect on.

Miz Pink

WTF? What the fudge? Oh what a topic! I’m melting, I’m melting…

Okay my WTF thang right now is that octuplet chick. Six kids already, one or two of whom have serious issues. Unemployed. Unmarried. Living with mom. On the dole. Getting plastic surgery to look like Angelina Jolie. Spending her sustantial savings on said surgery and on getting 8 embryos implanted in her when she already has 6 kids she can’t afford to raise. Getting a publicist. Acting like this is normal.

Woman needs some mental healthcare counseling clearly. Needed it before she went to add 8 more kids to her brood. The fertility doc needs some investigating and removal of his license AFAIC.

When God said be fruitful and multiply, it was to Adam and Eve, NOT to the whole lot of us. Sure, in Pslams it talks about a quiverful of kids being a blessing and stuff, but that doesn’t mean we just push out kids we can’t take care of. We’re not supposed to be baby factories, us women.

Back in the old days, you needed plenty of warm bodies to hunt or work the fields or whatever. People died younger. There was a lot more room to expand becasue we didn’t have 6 bazillion or 8 catillion or however the heck many folks we have on the planet now.

In this economy going for a huge family and expecting society to foot your bill for you. That’s not godly. Thats bad judgement and bad stewardship and bad parenting. The original 6 get to suffer more thanks to a decision to have 8 more that was a decision born out of mental illness and poor judgement and wasn’t shot down by the people and professionals around her who should have nipped this in the butt to begin with.

2 thoughts on “Two-fer (Late)Tuesday: WTF?

  1. Big Man

    WTF is up with y’all?

    I’ve had several WTF moments in the past few weeks while discussing domestic violence and racism in the workplace. I wonder when I’ll stop being surprised enough to say WTF?

  2. Deacon Blue

    LOL…yeah, there’s a few things in life lately that are still too muddled or too openly stunning to my psyche to even manage a WTF about them at the moment.


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