Two-fer Tuesday: Comfort by Miz Pink

Where do we find our comfort in life and where should we? Is this a question you’ve asked youself? If not you might want to consider it because it might save you a whole lot of heartache, trouble and even heartbreak I’m a-guessin’.

I think too many people find comfort in the wrong things. Like, oh…

  • Booze, drugs, smoking
  • Sex
  • The internet (Facebook, Twitter, discussion boards, etc.)
  • Spending/shopping
  • And the list goes on…

None of the above things is all bad. In moderation or in spurts or even occasional binges they don’t cause too much trouble if youve got your head on straight. I mean, I like me some drink now and again. I may or may not have imbibed certain other chemicals. I don’t smoke, but hey I don’t scorn those who do. Sex is nice though better if in a relationship instead of just randomly. Blog and boards and facebook are great, but I’ve seen people get sucked into them whole hog and neglect their lives elsewise. And spending…well…we know where that got our economy. Stimulated the hell out of it until we maxed out our cards and took all the equity we could out of our homes and now look where we’ve gotten.

Comfort isn’t just a warm set of flannel jammies on a cold day or a warm puppy or a cup of cocoa or whatever. It isn’t just a kiss on the cheek or a hug or a smile from your kids or whatever. I mean, those things are comforting too sometimes in complex ways and sometimes just as simple things.

My point really I guess is that we need to find comfort in places that matter. Home is where the heart is and as cliche as it may sound it’s true. Look to your home (if you’ve been wise enough to build a reasonably happy one and not get trapped in hell) for your daily comforts. Look to true friends. Look to scripture. Find hobbies that do more than just dull your senses (like, oh, constant TV).

Comfort is all around us. Both the good kinds and the bad kinds. Choose wisely friends.

2 thoughts on “Two-fer Tuesday: Comfort by Miz Pink

  1. TitforTat

    I think too many people find comfort in the wrong things. Like, oh…

    The thing is, at these moments in life I do most of my fervent praying. :)

    Booze, drugs, smoking…Please Jesus, no more drinking if you take away this hangover

    Sex……………….Oh MY GOD…..Im cu….g

    The internet (Facebook, Twitter, discussion boards, etc.)………For the Love of Christ this thing is slow.

    Spending/shopping………….Please Lord dont let her have my credit card. 😉


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