Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fate and the Deacon’s Blog

Or, perhaps more accurately, what is the fate (or future, or destiny, or whatever) of this blog?

I’m not sure, but I’m struggling over it.

I don’t want to end it, but I wonder if what I’m writing has any significant meaning for anyone, or any purpose anymore.

Mind you, I’m not saying this blog was a waste of my time for the past…hold on, I have to go to my home page to check this…


Almost two years now I’ve been doing this.

OK, so the past two years weren’t a waste. I talked about a lot of spiritual issues I thought were important. I addressed some more carnal matters that religious folk hardly ever want to talk about like adults (instead waggling their fingers and saying “don’t!” for no logical or discernible reason) I’ve talked about current events and politics. I’ve snarked on various issues. I’ve shared poetry I wrote years ago and started writing a novel right here on these virtual pages.

But has the blog run its course?

Some blogs do.

I don’t feel as much push to write stuff frequently here. That’s partly because I’m not sure what to say anymore. I feel like I added so many things to the mix that I’m not sure if this blog is a useless hodgepodge or an entertaining and sometimes enlightening place.

I just don’t know.

So, I prevail upon you readers who come here regularly to let me know. Comment. Tell me whether you’d miss this blog. Tell me what you think should change, if anything. Let me know if I’ve gone astray.

But please comment if you come here regularly. I’ll be leaving this post up for the next week, give or take, without any other posts to distract from it.

This isn’t about stroking my ego, because I hardly have one. And frankly, I get plenty of ego stroking at the other blog for my fiction-writing skills (even the non-erotic stuff). This isn’t about making me feel good but about speaking your honest feelings about this blog, me and the future of this endeavor. There are blogs out there I would miss if they went away. But I don’t know if any (or many) of you would miss mine. If you consider it an essential destination in your daily or weekly blog visits.

Please tell me. Please don’t hold back. And please don’t be shy about telling me anything you think is wrong, as well as what you think is right.

I only want to continue working on this blog if it serves a purpose. If it doesn’t anymore, then I need to stop.

But only y’all can tell me if that’s the case, and the more of you who chime in, the more confident I will be, in whatever choice I make.

Headin’ Back

I had gotten so accustomed to the altered header image over the past two weeks that I almost forgot to change it back.


Now things feel right again.

Time to get back to not posting for days on end.


In all seriousness, I hope to be a bit more regular about posting now that I’ve had some time off. Hopefully in the vicinity of three or four times a week at least.

And also, thanks to Miz Pink for holding down the fort in my absence, and I do hope you won’t be a stranger my friend. Keep the posts coming, as often as you like, to keep some variety around here.

Au Revoir by Miz Pink

nah….I’m not a’gonna go away forever but it’s back to second fiddle around here soon. Deke’s banner will go back to “normal” and he’ll (probably) start posing again regularly and I’ll just pop in as I feel the urge.

Been nice to be in charge and control for a while. Keep it pink, dudes and dudettes (whatever that means anyway…heck I don’t even know…)

Goodness Me…

Sorry. I’m supposed to have been posting regularly but I got so caught up in discussions with T4T in that last post that I forgot about writing new stuff. I’ll try to be better, particularly since Deke tells me he wouldn’t mind staying off-duty until the middle of the week anyway.

You’re all mine a bit longer, me hardies…I’ll try to be better about doling out some blogging booty

Vacation Time

I think it was more than a year ago  that I did this before, but I’m taking a week off the blog (officially, as opposed to my nearly weeklong absences lately due to simply not being able to work up the will to post).

OK, more than a week, actually. Because it’s quite likely I won’t post anymore this week, and sometime between now and the weekend, Miz Pink will take over. She assures me she will rant about something at least every other day for a week or so.

Ideally, I’ll come back with some renewed vigor and actually start posting reasonably deep thoughts, entertaining commentary on current events, and new installments of my novel.

Only time will tell. See you a little bit into the New Year.

Don’t do anything drastic while I’m gone, Miz Pink. I’ll still be peeking in to see what’s up.

A New Me

Mrs. Blue would prefer that a “new me” somehow involve the sudden emergence of carpentry and/or automotive repair skills; the regrowth of my hair and return of my ponytail; and the development of serious “master of the universe”-style moneymaking ability.

But, for now, this will have to do:

For the record, this is the first time since I started wearing glasses in junior high (back in the 1980s) that I have worn any style other than wire-rimmed glasses.

What say you?

Chic geek?

Or otherwise?

Back Soon

Sorry for the few days off here. I do plan more commentary and more installments of the novel, but have had several intersecting deadlines. Plus, I took Little Girl Blue out for several hours today to enjoy the thrill (for a child) that is 100 tokens and endless lemonade refills at Chuck E. Cheese.

Should be back in action by Thursday at the latest.

Getting Back in the Game

Been slowed up by a family of sickies and my own workload, but will be back soon (tonight or tomorrow) with new postings.

On the way soon:

  • A meditation on whether Jesus called us to Christianity or not.
  • An update/summary of my novel, for those who’ve stuck with me for a while but are forgetting some of the earlier events, especially with the sometimes long stretches between new installments.
  • The return of the Hummus Idol
  • More installments of the Cleansed By Fire novel (and hopefully more frequent)