Tag Archives: joy

Cheer Up! by Miz Pink

It’s just sorta kinda possible that I thought the cheerleaders in high school were stuck up airhead bimbos with bad taste in music and boyfriends. Or maybe it was just that they stole some of the guys I woulda preferred be my boyfriends.

Not bitter or nuthin’…I’m just sayin’…

But the thing is that as fluffy as I thought they were they had talents. Anyone who could keep people in the stands at my school with the craptastic football team (and basketball team. and soccer team. and…) is to be commended. And I think their routines and outfits were one of the only things that managed to do that most games.

See, they may not have often had what I thought of as intellectual muscle…but on the other hand, I couldn’t hold and balance a bunch of people up on my shoulders in some pyramid formation. I didn’t have their stamina. I didn’t have their acrobatics. Or their dedication to learn routines. Or the desire to give up any Saturdays for the sake of our school.

(Before I go any farther, I know there are really smart cheerleaders in the world. I just never met any in my lifetime…and I don’t think the avocation inspires deep thought)

In the same way there are not so intellectual things that get me through the rough patches. You probably have some too. Maybe it’s watching silly Lifetime channel movies. Or playing the Wii or PlayStation or something. Or reading Harlequin romance books. Or watching WWF wrestling or whatever WW-something they use these days.

In a stressed out world that’s stretching some of us to our limits, lets not overlook or under-value those things that bring us cheer.

As silly as some of them seem, we may look back on them and realize they are the things that kepts us from snapping like rice krispies or going off the deep end.

After all, I can look back on all those cheerleaders I disdained and realize they played an important role for me and the rest of the school.

Two-fer Tuesday: Comfort by Miz Pink

Where do we find our comfort in life and where should we? Is this a question you’ve asked youself? If not you might want to consider it because it might save you a whole lot of heartache, trouble and even heartbreak I’m a-guessin’.

I think too many people find comfort in the wrong things. Like, oh…

  • Booze, drugs, smoking
  • Sex
  • The internet (Facebook, Twitter, discussion boards, etc.)
  • Spending/shopping
  • And the list goes on…

None of the above things is all bad. In moderation or in spurts or even occasional binges they don’t cause too much trouble if youve got your head on straight. I mean, I like me some drink now and again. I may or may not have imbibed certain other chemicals. I don’t smoke, but hey I don’t scorn those who do. Sex is nice though better if in a relationship instead of just randomly. Blog and boards and facebook are great, but I’ve seen people get sucked into them whole hog and neglect their lives elsewise. And spending…well…we know where that got our economy. Stimulated the hell out of it until we maxed out our cards and took all the equity we could out of our homes and now look where we’ve gotten.

Comfort isn’t just a warm set of flannel jammies on a cold day or a warm puppy or a cup of cocoa or whatever. It isn’t just a kiss on the cheek or a hug or a smile from your kids or whatever. I mean, those things are comforting too sometimes in complex ways and sometimes just as simple things.

My point really I guess is that we need to find comfort in places that matter. Home is where the heart is and as cliche as it may sound it’s true. Look to your home (if you’ve been wise enough to build a reasonably happy one and not get trapped in hell) for your daily comforts. Look to true friends. Look to scripture. Find hobbies that do more than just dull your senses (like, oh, constant TV).

Comfort is all around us. Both the good kinds and the bad kinds. Choose wisely friends.

Two-fer Tuesday: Peace by Miz Pink

Normally, it’s been Deke talking about Hell ’round here. Damnation is something I just don’t feel comfortable talking about because I do have trouble trying to figure out where the love and forgiveness and eternal punishment intersect and make sense. I’m sure it does make sense and I believe there is a hell but I just don’t like to talk or think about it much.

Maybe that’s sticking my head in the sand. probably is. Oh well.

But I was thinking about some of what Deke has said about people choosing hell in most cases instead of them truly being sent there. And when he told me today’s topic was “peace” it got me to thinking.

I think a lot of people don’t really want or like peace.

I mean few and far between are the people who want constant bloddy horrible awful conflict and volatile relationships filled with hate. But I wonder if an awful lot of people just think existence is too boring when peace is involved.

Alot of people I think see heaven as some boring place with nothing but prayers and sitting around staring at clouds and learning to play the harp and crap. I think they assume that there is nothing pleasurable or fun in heaven. I think they expect that peace will mean a mind numbing eternity instead of contentment. I don’t think as many people as I would like to really think we’ll be doing anything productive in heaven.

So I can totally see people choosing to reject heaven because they are afraid of peace.

It sounds funny but human nature is a funny thing. We want moments of peace or long periods of peace, but I think most of us would cringe at a lifetime of peace. We would wonder where the spark is. We feed on conflict whether its personal or whether we see it on TV or whatever.

The fear of peace I think is what will drive at least some people to hell. And it makes me wonder how many other hangups we humans have that send us to hell, and not, as we assume, the will or desire of God.