Posts Tagged ‘Quantum’

The Gathering Storm, Part 40

Posted: 27th April 2015 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm series
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[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] I would recommend that before you read this chapter, whether you’re a long-term fan of this storyline or not, that you go to the link above and read at least the previous chapter and perhaps better yet, both previous chapters (after […]

[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Cole awoke, groggily, mentally calculating how much more sleep he could snag before having to put on his uniform as Quantum and check in with the Guardian Corps. Then he remembered it was one of his days off, and smiled to […]

The Gathering Storm, Part 23

Posted: 19th March 2012 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm series
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[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Darkness is a comforting shroud. A sturdy cloak. Those thoughts passed through the mind of Query, sitting in the semi-darkness of the club as Milo Phillips, while various pairs of rappers took their turns on stage to do a bit of […]