Posts Tagged ‘tooth fairy’

The Gathering Storm, Part 33

Posted: 6th September 2013 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm series
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[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Will hadn’t seen his wife in her actual Tooth Fairy costume for a couple months, since that night she had suddenly and frighteningly thrust herself back into the lives of her husband and daughter. Seeing her this way—with her realistic-looking fairy […]

Fly Away, Fairy

Posted: 6th April 2012 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in Single-run ("One off") Stories
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A vision of lacy, frilly, girly splendor in the darkness. A pale blur against the backdrop of small night-shadowed park spaces and commercial buildings. A lithe, springing, satin-winged form running and skipping in the moonlight. The night was her time. The time of sleep and the time when the Tooth Fairy wandered. Even before she […]

The Gathering Storm, Part 19

Posted: 20th October 2011 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm series
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[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] After the latest recruitment dinner with Zoe—and possibly the last, given how much other work there was to do between now and the woman’s graduation deadline—Underworld was relieved to get back the the headquarters. Not only did she dearly want to […]

[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] The confrontation had begun as a simple attempt to foil a crime. Then it had morphed into something more like a game of Keep Away as Mad Dash continued to prevent the criminal from grabbing the bag of cash and getting […]

The Gathering Storm, Part 12

Posted: 5th February 2011 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm series
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[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] When Carl Beacham, attorney-at-law, entered Query’s office from the tiny and unstaffed outer reception area—He really should get a sexy secretary, Carl mused silently—a head swiveled toward him swiftly—a metallic-and-polymer visage regarding him coldly with two large and luminous eyes separated […]

[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] “Welcome to the show, Secretary Dahl, and congratulations on your recent confirmation earlier this spring as head of the Department of Transhuman Affairs,” Ben Glick said with his unique mix of solicitude and disdain. “Why don’t you tell myself and my […]

[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Sometimes, Cole wondered if his affinity for the wee hours had more to do with his obsession to become a crime-fighter than did any actual desire for meting out justice—after all, so much of the action with superpowers and thwarting criminals […]

Morning’s Glories

Posted: 13th November 2010 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in Single-run ("One off") Stories
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Kevlar vest. Taser. Chain mail gloves. Three pairs of wings. Sage and honeysuckle sachets. Olive oil soap. Where the hell were the custom-made pliers? “Leon!” Julian called out. “Where are the pearl-handled pliers?” With 7-year-old Lois in tow, Leon pointed to the leather duffel bag. “Jules, you’ve been fretting about those since Saturday. You stuffed […]

[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Professor McGinnis jotted down a date on the whiteboard—1970—then underneath it the current year: 2010. He turned to his Sociology and Culture class, every one of the 25 students a senior, pointing the dry erase marker at them, waving it like […]