Health Care Deform by Miz Pink

So, I’m just wondering, as Barack Obama seems to get a little wimpy on the health care reform thang…and as all those folks who aren’t rich talk about socialized medicine being the final step toward a socialist dictatorship…how many of those yahoos that are mouthing off right now either have relatives who get Medicare or are bitter old twits on Medicare themselves?

And I wonder, what if the President just yanked Medicare away and told all those folks that they or their relatives would have to pay out of pocket now?

I figure they’d either be begging to have their “socialized medicine” back or they would be carrying even more guns around to shoot the Prez for taking away their “right” to healthcare in old age.

Either way, it would kinda prove the point wouldn’t it?

The government has been running Medicare for a long time. It ain’t perfect but it’s done a lot for the elderly to get care. It’s a system with flaws but one that works. So why is it so hard to think that getting the government involved in everyone’s health is such an evil idea?

Oh yeah…because they’re ignorant boobs who do whatever ole Rush or Glen or Annie “Get your guns” Coulter tell ’em to do…why use logic or have an idea of your own in your head when you can just follow the right-wing rulebook straight to the end of your life.

Don’t worry though. Without health care reform, you can all die in your 40s or 50s like your grand-daddies did so it wont be  a LONG life.

Pity that the rest of us who know better will be dying just as early.

Screw you.

4 thoughts on “Health Care Deform by Miz Pink

  1. G


    I wish that these same people would read some of the things written around the time Social Security was created. It was supposed to cripple American business and lead us down the road to Socialist ruin. Now we consider it a right.

    Can everyone just take a deep breath? No one is going to force any of the people who are complaining about this to use these programs. What had been discussed was a public OPTION.

    Maybe we could get them a dictionary and flip it open to the “O” section?

    As for President Obama I am tring to hope that his spine is not weakening on this. It is time to state – simply and clearly – the ways in which these ideas will help the average American.

    This whole thing is making me crazy – which would be ok, except visits to a psyhologist aren’t covered under my companies health care plan.

  2. Deacon Blue

    All of you, quit your whining and pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

    What, you don’t have boots?

    Well, strip off your own flesh and then cure it and tan it, then make some boots with that, and pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Worked for my grandpappy.

    (At least, I think that’s what Glen Beck would advise…)


  3. thewordofme

    From what I hear all of this protest is orchestrated by the GOP and the Health Uncaring Industry. Funny how the National Media isn’t jumping all over this. Anyway, the HMO’s and PPO’s, etc. are smelling a large reduction in profits and they don’t really care about the human tragedy of non-coverage and consequent deaths, so they rile up and pay for protesters to make scenes and give them sound bites on the evening news.

    We are so screwed…


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