Many thanks to those who commented on my last post, which has been removed for various reasons. Your input and support is welcome and appreciated. I’ll be on to something less maudlin and perhaps less personal next time.
Until then…
Many thanks to those who commented on my last post, which has been removed for various reasons. Your input and support is welcome and appreciated. I’ll be on to something less maudlin and perhaps less personal next time.
Until then…
Huh, removed? Censorship?
Wife was bothered by some of the content, and she had a valid point. So I took it down.
My wife did that to me a few times as well, I wouldnt even let her censor me and my thoughts – since I give her the same freedoms.
In this case, I had shared some information about her that she didn’t want out there for general knowledge, and the post kind of fell apart structurally without that. So, in the interests of not putting her in an uncomfortable spot, I took it down.
The general concerns I had and the points I had brought up weren’t the issue. In fact, she posted on her own blog recently about some of our current marital woes (she ran the post by me first to make sure I was OK with her level of sharing. In my case, with the post I wrote and took down, I didn’t realize there were some aspects of her personal journey she wanted to keep only between her and a few select people)