I know, I know…you figured it would be a few weeks before I got back to this. I can’t say I blame you. Though, truth be told, I’d rather have dropped a one-shot in as buffer first before doing another chapter of “The Gathering Storm.” But I’m in the zone, so I’ll run with it. […]
Posts Tagged ‘solstice’
The Gathering Storm, Part 32
Posted: 30th August 2013 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: janus, New Judah, query, solstice, superheroes, supervillains, Underworld
The Gathering Storm, Part 29
Posted: 11th February 2013 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: fortunato, New Judah, query, solstice, superheroes
[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] It was an alien feeling for Solstice alone in the skeez lab. It wasn’t her first time in such an environment, but usually when she was in a place like this, it was to kick ass, leave soon thereafter and call […]
The Gathering Storm, Part 28
Posted: 1st February 2013 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: fortunato, New Judah, query, solstice, superheroes
Quick Recap (since it’s been a while since I’ve posted a new chapter in this series): Thus far in the series, a supervillain named Janus has moved his operations from the West Coast to the East Coast, with designs on the Connecticut city of New Judah primarily, it seems. One of his first acts was […]
The Gathering Storm, Part 23
Posted: 19th March 2012 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: Desperado, Guardian Corps, New Judah, Quantum, query, solstice, superheroes
[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Darkness is a comforting shroud. A sturdy cloak. Those thoughts passed through the mind of Query, sitting in the semi-darkness of the club as Milo Phillips, while various pairs of rappers took their turns on stage to do a bit of […]
The Gathering Storm, Part 17
Posted: 2nd October 2011 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: Crazy Jane, Epitaph, janus, Mad Dash, New Judah, query, solstice, superheroes, supervillains, Underworld
[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Entering Janus’ office, she moved with slow, purposeful steps, like a ballet dancer building up toward some grand maneuver—then she abruptly stopped 12 feet away from the imposing mahogany desk, where Janus sat and Underworld and Crazy Jane stood nearby. Standing […]
The Gathering Storm, Part 16
Posted: 5th September 2011 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: janus, New Judah, query, solstice, superheroes, supervillains, Underworld
[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Janus gave Underworld a lingering eye-to-eye look over the edge of the files he was perusing and through the eyeholes of his half-comedy/half-tragedy mask. He sighed heavily, and Underworld raised one eyebrow. “What?” she prodded. “Shrill?” “Why not?” “You think we […]
The Gathering Storm, Part 10
Posted: 30th December 2010 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: janus, loc-down, New Judah, query, solstice, superheroes, supervillains, Underworld, whethermen
[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] After a long day of meting out justice—or perhaps just venting her frustrations over life’s problems on the few kinds of people on whom it was more or less socially acceptable to do so—Solstice really just wanted to relax, grab a […]
The Gathering Storm, Part 5
Posted: 4th December 2010 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: hellfire, loc-down, New Judah, solstice, superheroes, supervillains, the gathering storm, whethermen
[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] In the middle of a mid-March afternoon, with the sun out and hardly a cloud in the sky, the last thing Martin Osbourne—known to many associates and enemies as Marty the Hun for his take-no-prisoners, kill-or-be-killed attitude—expected to be doing was […]