[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Cole awoke, groggily, mentally calculating how much more sleep he could snag before having to put on his uniform as Quantum and check in with the Guardian Corps. Then he remembered it was one of his days off, and smiled to […]
Posts Tagged ‘Underworld’
The Gathering Storm, Part 39
Posted: 15th June 2014 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: fortunato, Glory Boy, New Judah, Quantum, query, superheroes, supervillains, Underworld
The Gathering Storm, Part 35
Posted: 24th November 2013 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: janus, New Judah, query, superheroes, supervillains, Underworld
[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] The need to look back over his shoulder constantly was like a burning itch beneath a cast—it tugged at Carl’s will relentlessly. He almost shook with the effort of continuing to look ahead and only casually turn his head to the […]
The Gathering Storm, Part 34
Posted: 11th November 2013 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: fortunato, janus, New Judah, query, Underworld
So, as I posted recently, I wasn’t lying when I said I was ready to rock and roll on regular updates to “The Gathering Storm” for a while, as well as whipping out some one-off stories. But the news my chief editor at DDNews would be leaving in December caught me by surprise. The news […]
The Gathering Storm, Part 32
Posted: 30th August 2013 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: janus, New Judah, query, solstice, superheroes, supervillains, Underworld
I know, I know…you figured it would be a few weeks before I got back to this. I can’t say I blame you. Though, truth be told, I’d rather have dropped a one-shot in as buffer first before doing another chapter of “The Gathering Storm.” But I’m in the zone, so I’ll run with it. […]
The Gathering Storm, Part 31
Posted: 23rd August 2013 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: coldraven, janus, query, superheroes, supervillains, Underworld
So, yeah, I’ve been slack on new material. But let me catch you up on recent happenings for “The Gathering Storm.” (Or, you can click on the link not too far below and read or re-read the previous several chapters.) Query has recently rescued Zoe from the clutches of Janus (though, admittedly, she had already […]
The Gathering Storm, Part 30
Posted: 13th April 2013 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: janus, loc-down, New Judah, query, superheroes, supervillains, Underworld
[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Chewing thoughtfully on his cheeseburger, Carl realized he probably wasn’t doing it thoughtfully at all. He was considering the scent of machine oil and harsh cleanser in the room. He was blaming it for how his stomach now churned. And as […]
The Gathering Storm, Part 25
Posted: 24th March 2012 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: Crazy Jane, janus, Mad Dash, New Judah, query, superheroes, supervillains, Underworld
[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] She’d known he was coming—she’d been alerted by phone. But apparently he’d also been warned she was on edge. All for the best, Zoe supposed, as she heard a twig snap in the distance and a youthful, jovial voice calling out […]
The Gathering Storm, Part 24
Posted: 22nd March 2012 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: janus, Mad Dash, New Judah, query, Underworld
[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Stale stifling blackness. Spinning bouncing. Smells—Greasy sweaty green. Sensations—rough, warm, damp, gritty. No room to move; can’t focus. What? Where? How? Drifting. Panic. Sleepy. Weak. Angry. Terrified. I will no go…I will not…gone…go…quietly. * * * “Dash! Please tell me you’re […]
The Gathering Storm, Part 22
Posted: 10th March 2012 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: Guardian Corps, janus, ladykiller, Mad Dash, New Judah, Underworld
[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Cole looked out across the devastation of the main gathering area at the Guardian Corps’ central headquarters. In some senses, it didn’t look that much different than normal. It wasn’t as if the Corps had deep pockets. They survived mostly by […]
The Gathering Storm, Part 21
Posted: 16th February 2012 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm seriesTags: Crazy Jane, fortunato, GoodKnight, Guardian Corps, Hush-a-Bye, janus, marksburgh, New Judah, query, Underworld
[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] After the tense visit by Janus’ men, a nearly half-hour-long flogging at Hush-a-Bye’s hands had been very therapeutic, and now—flushed and covered with a sheen of sweat all over his bare, bruised, welted and blood-streaked torso—GoodKnight stood near her. “Ya did […]