Announcement: This and That

Posted: 9th December 2010 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in Announcements / General

First, I want to thank everyone who’s visited the blog so far. Today has already been the biggest day yet. Sure, I’m still in double-digit figures, but considering I’ve had plenty of days with single-digit visits, it’s a promising sign that word is slowly getting out.

Second, just wanted to let you all know that my hope (I hesitate to make promises) is to try to have something new (fiction, I mean, not mind-numbing announcements like this) up every day for a week or so. Don’t know if I can manage it, but I’m sure as hell gonna try.

Finally, as I’d love to get more input from readers that might actually help shape this world I’ve created, here’s a project for those of you who are interested: In the comments section for this post, offer up some ideas for names of future characters. I have a pretty large working list so far…probably with more names than I’ll ever need…but I thought it might be cool to see what some of you can come up with.

Bonus points (karmic and metaphorical, of course) for names that might sound just a little stupid but as if the person actually put a lot of thought into the name. As much as I like to use my writing skills and knowledge of words to come up with really cool character names, it occurs to me that most people aren’t intimate with thesauruses (thesauri ????) and would probably end up coming up with names only they think are cool. So, my list has a mix of the borderline idiotic (Bulkie, Extremo and The Slam, for example) to the clunky or awkward (like Drop Dead Gorgeous and King of Pain) to the perplexing (such as Adam Ape, Grudge Match and Laugh Riot) to the more highbrow/informed names (Contagion, Madamnation and Rancor, for example).

Share your own ideas if you like. Now, I’m off to write some more.

  1. Alexander says:

    Potential character names:

    Higure (Definitely ganked from a ninja-oriented magic carde: Higure, the Still Wind)
    The Chef
    Elysia (I feel like the nomenclature would reflect a female trans with some sort of regen power)

    ..that’s all I’ve got today!

  2. Deacon Blue says:

    It’s a good list, and as you might have noticed, I’ve already gotten some use out of it in the “Fresh Scars, Old Wounds” story.


  3. Alexander says:

    Glad to be of assistance.