What’s Coming Up

Posted: 14th April 2011 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in Announcements / General

Well, yeah, I’m uh…just a little behind on my fiction. Sorry.

But to let you know what’s coming up soon…soon-ish…OK, sometime this month probably and/or beginning of next…

Chapters 14 and 15 of “The Gathering Storm,” which are both mapped out in outline form. Just need to start writing and then it will flow quickly. Among other things, we’ll see the introduction of Vegan Manhunter and Epitaph, and get our first up-close-and-personal peek at Python, who was mentioned only in passing once before when Mad Dash and Ladykiller were having a meal at a so-far-unnamed transhuman-themed eatery (which, for the record, is called Caped Cuisiner and has a small chain of restaurants in the Northeast U.S., with its chief competition being The Un-Secret Lair and Costumed CafĂ©)

A short story, as yet untitled, that will pick up where “The Rule of Opposites” left off and give us more of Shock Jock and Burlesque (I plan to write several more stories featuring them…a sort of informal series, I suppose).

Some sort of Easter story featuring, as you might have guessed, Doctor Holiday (so far featured as central character in the stories ‘Tis the Season, Designated and Tough Love).