Posts Tagged ‘Mad Dash’

[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Astute readers will notice that this chapter references two standalone short stories that came before here at Tales of the Whethermen. One of them is the very recent “Contrivance” and the other is the older “Bad Breakup” _____________________________________________________________ Janus heard the […]

[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] She’d known he was coming—she’d been alerted by phone. But apparently he’d also been warned she was on edge. All for the best, Zoe supposed, as she heard a twig snap in the distance and a youthful, jovial voice calling out […]

The Gathering Storm, Part 24

Posted: 22nd March 2012 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm series
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[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Stale stifling blackness. Spinning bouncing. Smells—Greasy sweaty green. Sensations—rough, warm, damp, gritty. No room to move; can’t focus. What? Where? How? Drifting. Panic. Sleepy. Weak. Angry. Terrified. I will no go…I will not…gone…go…quietly. * * * “Dash! Please tell me you’re […]

The Gathering Storm, Part 22

Posted: 10th March 2012 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in The Gathering Storm series
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[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Cole looked out across the devastation of the main gathering area at the Guardian Corps’ central headquarters. In some senses, it didn’t look that much different than normal. It wasn’t as if the Corps had deep pockets. They survived mostly by […]

[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Through a mouthful of glazed doughnut, Carl Beacham mumbled, “Are we there yet?” “Yeah, and we’ve been here a bit over an hour and we’ll be here several hours more at least. But you already knew that. I warned you stakeouts […]

Bad Breakup

Posted: 15th January 2012 by Jeff Bouley / Deacon Blue in Single-run ("One off") Stories
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Two pale faces were presented toward each other, though only one could see the other. On one side of the door, a woman’s face whose worry had drained it of no small amount of blood, one eye pressed to the peephole. On the other side, a man whose face was even paler—a corpse-like blue-white—though he […]

[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Entering Janus’ office, she moved with slow, purposeful steps, like a ballet dancer building up toward some grand maneuver—then she abruptly stopped 12 feet away from the imposing mahogany desk, where Janus sat and Underworld and Crazy Jane stood nearby. Standing […]

[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] Cole hadn’t heard a voice overflow with such seething rage in his life, and never witnessed a mood change so quickly in any one person. Zero to near-murderous in 0.5 seconds. “What the fuck!” Desperado bellowed, pointing a finger toward Cole, […]

[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] “Andrea, was it?” the detective sergeant asked, and the woman he was addressing nodded. “Okay. Andrea, how long you been an assistant DA in this city? I’ve only seen you in around a couple times. First time I’ve talked to you. […]

[ – To view a list of all current chapters, click here – ] The confrontation had begun as a simple attempt to foil a crime. Then it had morphed into something more like a game of Keep Away as Mad Dash continued to prevent the criminal from grabbing the bag of cash and getting […]