9 thoughts on “Where Are You?

  1. robyn

    it was holiday week! and for some of us, it was year end closes and accounting fiascos.
    we’re back! we love you! kiss the baby for us!

  2. Inda Pink

    I should probably chill it’s true. I think my ego is frazzled from holidays and trying to please too many people. Plus my football team isn’t in the playoffs oh well.

    Mini Pink Model 3 blow a kiss back to you and everyone else or maybe it’s just that she’s showing affection for the bald dude with the spectacles over on the right side of the screen. No, no! That is not daddy. Sir Pink is your poppa! That’s just some weird dude in the frozen wasteland that is northern New England. Unca Deke. That’s right. Unca Deke.

    Oh wait your not really speaking yet…well work on that.

  3. Deacon Blue

    And the ironic thing is that I should be the spoiled on. Of the two of us, I’m the one who’s an only child.

    I imagine you must get at least double-digit traffic each day, Chris.

    I was in multiple hundreds for a while here each day, but that was just because I was near the top of Google Image Search for pics of Salma Hayek. If more than one or two people from the several month anomaly stuck around here as regular visitors once they saw what the blog was about, I’d be surprised.

    Now I’m back down to 50 a day give or take. At this point, just happy to see real numbers again.

    But Miz Pink. Aw, she’s sweet, but competitive.

    I won’t be mad if the numbers start rising while you’re in charge here this week, Pinkie. 😉

    (However, my banner is going back to the gothic steampunk library look again when I come back)

  4. Inda Pink

    Thank you Chris for the complement on the header cuz I always thought this place needed a woman’s touch. And a man shouldn’t be afraid of pink.

    Spoiled? Yah, I s’pose. Blame Sir Pink and all his gallantry and chivalry.

    As for you Deke aren’t you supposed to be takin’ a break or something? G’wan…get outta here! Cuddle Mrs. Blue or something.

  5. Chris

    “gothic steampunk library”…dude. you pulled an extra helping of loyalty ( without my consent, I might add…) out of my psyche with your prose. It was actually the prose that first reeled me in, when I stumbled across your blog.(and stumbled is an accurate term. I have never googled “holy shit” “new England Scifi nerd” or “balding redhead journalist”…and I think I know what a string is… Is it possible that a man’s most important task is simply to tell a a teenage mother that her baby can be born in the (cultural equivalent) backyard doghouse? and still find God…I hope so. On any evangelical blog,(I am one of those weirdoes…perhaps the only one, lol , That believes the grace of God’s innocent death is mysterious…not completely (I have, shamefully, a prejudice against denominations not my own and feel it is too contrary too critical of political thought. of course,a freshly converted man, one whose blood relatives died daily y was a special case…

  6. Inda Pink

    I like his writing too and used to let him edit my stuff but then worried it was gonna sound too much like him in the end so I let my typos and stuff hang. More stream of conscious is me. 😉


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