Fate and the Deacon’s Blog

Or, perhaps more accurately, what is the fate (or future, or destiny, or whatever) of this blog?

I’m not sure, but I’m struggling over it.

I don’t want to end it, but I wonder if what I’m writing has any significant meaning for anyone, or any purpose anymore.

Mind you, I’m not saying this blog was a waste of my time for the past…hold on, I have to go to my home page to check this…


Almost two years now I’ve been doing this.

OK, so the past two years weren’t a waste. I talked about a lot of spiritual issues I thought were important. I addressed some more carnal matters that religious folk hardly ever want to talk about like adults (instead waggling their fingers and saying “don’t!” for no logical or discernible reason) I’ve talked about current events and politics. I’ve snarked on various issues. I’ve shared poetry I wrote years ago and started writing a novel right here on these virtual pages.

But has the blog run its course?

Some blogs do.

I don’t feel as much push to write stuff frequently here. That’s partly because I’m not sure what to say anymore. I feel like I added so many things to the mix that I’m not sure if this blog is a useless hodgepodge or an entertaining and sometimes enlightening place.

I just don’t know.

So, I prevail upon you readers who come here regularly to let me know. Comment. Tell me whether you’d miss this blog. Tell me what you think should change, if anything. Let me know if I’ve gone astray.

But please comment if you come here regularly. I’ll be leaving this post up for the next week, give or take, without any other posts to distract from it.

This isn’t about stroking my ego, because I hardly have one. And frankly, I get plenty of ego stroking at the other blog for my fiction-writing skills (even the non-erotic stuff). This isn’t about making me feel good but about speaking your honest feelings about this blog, me and the future of this endeavor. There are blogs out there I would miss if they went away. But I don’t know if any (or many) of you would miss mine. If you consider it an essential destination in your daily or weekly blog visits.

Please tell me. Please don’t hold back. And please don’t be shy about telling me anything you think is wrong, as well as what you think is right.

I only want to continue working on this blog if it serves a purpose. If it doesn’t anymore, then I need to stop.

But only y’all can tell me if that’s the case, and the more of you who chime in, the more confident I will be, in whatever choice I make.

19 thoughts on “Fate and the Deacon’s Blog

  1. societyvs

    I like your blog and I am not sure these kinds of blogs ‘do run their course’…we just get sick of updating them and what have you.

    I like the discussion’s on current society and how faith plays a good (or sometimes)/bad part in that arena. I like the fact there are places to discuss this and work through those things with other quite educated people (who have opinions on the subject matter). I don’t get much of that outside of blogs (in all honesty) and these kinds of blogs allow for that type of discussion to occur…how much is that discussion worth to you is the real question?

    I don’t think you should go…I see your relevance!

  2. Big Man

    If you think the time has come, the time has come.

    I like the blog, I think there are still topics to be discussed. I think people need constant reminders of the relevance of God’s word in today’s world.

    But, if you don’t feel like you have anything left to say, I can understand that. I’ve been there myself.

  3. Titfortat

    I check your blog daily. Some days I like, some days I dont. I would miss it. Also, if you go I wont have any chance of being invited to your other blog. 😉

  4. Deacon Blue

    Thanks for the input so far, and I do hope more people will chime in as well as they see this.

    I should be clear that it isn’t that I have nothing left to say. Nor do I want to drop this blog as a forum for me to spout off on things.

    I guess I just wonder if the blog has become too unfocused or rambling…or if my decreased level of posting these past few months has made people less willing (or less desirous) of checking in.

    I’ve never had a gigantic following, and that’s fine, actually. What I do have is still pretty healthy by most standards (I don’t go comparing myself to the Field Negros, Huggington Posts and Stuff White People Likes of the blogging world). I just feel bad when I go through period of not posting often, I fret that I’m trying to do too many things thematically, and I wonder if going from regular posting to more periodic posting is turning people off.

    Because, to be honest, I’m not really looking to kill the blog. I just don’t want to find out that I’ve merely been giving it life support when it wasn’t able to survive any longer.

    Not sure if that makes sense or not.

  5. thewordofme

    Hi Deacon,

    I have been to the space you are talking about…i.e. is there any reason to keep writing about this stuff.

    To me I only have to wait a week or so (sometimes less..sometimes more) and I have these words in my head that only go away, or subside, if I write them down. No, the words or the subject is not earth shaking and may or may not influence anything or anyone, but I really feel the need to write them…just for myself if nothing else.

    I have enjoyed your writing although, as you know, I disagree with you on most of the religious dogma that you espouse. But, this is part of what makes life interesting and worthwhile…an intelligent opponent and lively discussion. :-)

    I vote that you stay “on the air” as it were, but I realize that time is a most precious commodity and most of us have too little to spare. If I may make a blasphemy…”God bless.”

  6. Deacon Blue

    I see people mention the spiritual discussion part of my blog (both the Christians and the Non’s).

    While I suppose that’s still mostly what I talk about, that’s lessened greatly as time has gone on, with my political beliefs and fiction sprouting up as well.

    Is there still a place for that other stuff, do you all think? Or should I simply go back to being a guy who talks religion/spirituality with a touch of irreverence (aka swearing sometimes and making fun of folks)?

  7. robyn

    i check here perhaps twice a week [it’s tax season, i’ve actually been working!] and i enjoy it. you make me think. you aren’t like any of the other blogs i read [political rants, fiscal rants, art expositions-the only fiction poetry i read is my own, at least on the web]
    i would miss you. i like your and miz pink’s persepctive on the world. i enjoy our discourse and our disagreements. i get a kick out of your other followers.
    that being said, a handful of other blogs i follow, all about 2 years old, have shut down in the last 4 months. their authors are burnt out, ready to move to the next level, bored, conflict of interest, feeling of spinning wheels, whatever. most of them i shrug off, i’m tired of them too.
    you, i would miss.


    do what is right for you, mrs blue, the little blues and miz pink.

  8. Inda Pink

    Thanks Robyn! Good to know I’d be missed even as LESS often I post compared to Deke. If he bails though I guess that’ll be the kick in my skirt to finally start my own blog. Just seems a bit of a bother when there’s already one I can piggyback on and add some pink to Deke’s blue world. Ugh tax season. Good for your pocketbook of course but not lookin forward to it at all…

  9. Deacon Blue

    Well, I’d still like to hear from other folks, just to get a sense of what the blog means to them, but I think I’m pretty well set on continuing the blog.

    I think at this point it’s more a matter of determining whether I adjust the mix or keep going pretty much as I have in the past.

    I’m at least heartened to know that less frequent posting doesn’t seem to be driving folks away to leave me for busier locales…though I still would like to post more often. I suppose that will come in waves and cycles, and perhaps given enough time.

    Perhaps part of my problem is how busy I’ve made myself. In addition to work, I’m writing so much, fiction and otherwise, but so little of it actually related to this blog. Perhaps that stuff will begin to lose some of its momentum, and I’ll come to more of a balance between all my projects.

  10. Big Man

    Focus on the God stuff. I think God is a such a large topic that you’ll find a place for all the other stuff you like to discuss as well. God touches on everything.

  11. 32B

    I normally read and go…read and go…read and go w/o leaving a comment but I always learn something more about my faith, Christian history, the Bible, etc that I don’t get from church esp when different perspectives are offered. Maybe you should add more topics or dimensions which reflect who you are.

  12. Deacon Blue

    So, keeping the God theme and spirituality going throughout is probably best. Back to my roots, even if the spiritual thread is subtle in a given post. Got it.

    As long as we’re talking about adjustments to the blog, no one responded to my update about the novel, so I’ll just ask here. Does anyone care about it? And should I go with my plan to package up my revised and expanded second-draft chapters thus far into downloadable docs to catch up any fans (if I still have any), and get back to regular updates with the upcoming chapters?

  13. Deacon Blue

    Although clearly, I have more questions (and would like more input), I will say that new posts, and a return to more pertinent matters, will begin around noon (depending on your U.S. or Canadian time zone and depending on whether or not WordPress actually has me set for Eastern time) on Thursday of this week.

    Post is already written and scheduled. But I’d like to keep some focus on this post right here for another couple days.

  14. Inda Pink

    So I guess I better post more often to make sure there is some random babble about any and everything…

    I can still do that right?


    Remember I’ve got a mean left hook.

  15. Deacon Blue

    I’m with TWOM on this.

    Besides, Pink, is there really any way I could muzzle you short of revoking your posting privileges? 😉

  16. societyvs

    I don’t read the story very much (but that’s just me) – I think it’s a great concept and very artictic…I just don’t do much fiction reading.

  17. Kit (Keep It Trill)

    Your blog has a nice intellectualism that draws me to it. However, like many folks, I’ve been more drawn to chasing a high-paying, full-time job in the past three months, so haven’t been around much in Blog Land. As I’ve returned to catch up the past week or two, I see that quite a few of my favorite bloggers aren’t writing as much, and I wonder if this is a sign of the economy.

    I think the quality of your writing and content is good enough that if you cut back to once a week posts, that your regular readers would still visit. You might be glad you kept this blog when the seasons change and the view is different. Just a thought…

  18. Deacon Blue

    Job? Kit…you’d let a job/income/paying the bills get in between us?



    I hear ya. I just picked up some extra duties and extra money with my biggest client, and boy am I glad.

    A lot of us are either busy or burdened in this economy, so you’re probably right about the drop-off in posting among many of our peers and colleagues in this blogging world.


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