Tag Archives: future

Two-fer Tuesday: The Future by Deacon Blue

The Bible tells us a lot about the future. Not very clearly, with all that symbolism and prophetic visions and all. Not very precisely, of course, since there are no dates and timelines for the most part.

Of course, that doesn’t stop a ton of prophecy-infatuated folks from trying to figure out what’s going to happen. And when. And how. And figure that they can tie it directly to current events. What strikes me most about such hubris is the certain knowledge among such folks that current events are the ones that play into biblical prophecies.

Talk about self-fulfilling prophecies. Begin with the assumption that the recent past or the present or the reasonably predictable near future are the starting point and shoehorn the biblical stuff into it.

For myself, I am content to let history—and prophecy—play out in their own time.

Or, rather, God’s time.

And that’s the crux. I don’t need, nor do I want, to know the future. I am happy to let God carry that burden. The future will come to me, in whatever form or portion I am meant to participate, in its own time.