Tag Archives: parody

Bill Orvis White is the Man!

In my continuing quest to procrastinate on my novel, to the point that I’ve probably even lost my most loyal few readers by now (and if I haven’t lost you, bless you for sticking with my very sporadic updates lately), I want to tell you about Bill White.

Please, read Bill White. Read him on his blog (click here), and follow him on Twitter (click here). In fact, I need to make sure I add him into my blogroll here tonight. Bill White is a parody and, often, I find it brilliant parody (I’ve known about him for the better part of a year at least through his occasional comments at the Deus Ex Malcontent blog), though I’m not sure if it’s a white Christian progressive love alone or if it will translate across my readership (Black, female, transgendered and otherwise). But while Bill White may not be “real,” a real person writes his words, and I love “Bill” for all that he reveals about the strange breed of conservative that loves Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.

Who knows how much the man or woman behind Bill White actually shares of Bill’s belief system. Maybe none of it, maybe some of it (though probably not most or all of it).

Some of the best fun I’ve had in the past week or so, though, since I started getting Bill White’s tweets has been commenting to Bill White through Twitter, and enjoying the hell out of his responses back to me. Just pretend Bill is real, and respond to him as if he is, or be a bit of a parody yourself. You may get a real kick out of it.

Or not. Maybe this is just a love shared by a few of us SPs (as Bill likes to call secular progressives, even the ones like me that aren’t actually secular).

Apropos of Nothing

You know, considering all the crappy video game-to-movie adaptations (there have been a couple worth watching, but not many) that have come along in the past decade or more, and the upcoming movies based on boardgames (Monopoly and Battleship among them), this little parody tickled me right up and down my funny bone. And normally, only Mrs. Blue is allowed to do that.