Tag Archives: trash talk

Trash Talk by Miz Pink

I didn’t have a single thought in my wee pink head as to what I was gonna post on today. I even told Deke maybe he should just post something tonight to be on the safe side. He probably still will so maybe you’lll get a double helping of posts today.

But anyhoo I was stalking Deke today which isn’t that odd for me. From talking to him and see which blogs he most often links to in his posts I know that nary a day goes by that he ain’t at Field Negro, Deus ex Malcontent or Raving Black Lunatic at least once a day. So I like to see what he’s commenting on over at those spots. I suppose part of me is hoping to catch him in some hypocrite out of character moment where he says something totally counter to what he says here so that I can publicly embarass him

No luck so far.

But I did notice a comment he made to a post here which said some unflattering things about Christianity. And Deke said thusly in the comments:

Look, I can take a joke as much as the next guy, and I think this is a circus sideshow myself…

…but why the bitter hostility about being guided by a “2,000 year old superstition”?

I mean, are Jesus’ teachings so fucking bad? As a golden rule type thing or a philosophical one, what exactly did Jesus teach or espouse 2,000-some years ago that was so fucking awful?

I mean, let’s not blame the basic religion for the millions of idiots who misinterpret, misapply and misunderstand it while purporting to uphold it.

I don’t really care about the original post. I really dont. Hearing the stuff about how we Christians are all just a bunch of gullible superstitious louts is old hat for me. I don’t even care to respond to it.

What I’m wondering though and what I’d like to ask all of you is:

Do you think we’d be better served by having more people in the pulpit speaking like Deacon Blue?

We have no shortage of liberal-minded types who water down the word so much that they might as well be making their own new rules. We have no shortage of fire and brimstone conservative types who take the word of God too far and try to micromanage our lives. We have no shortage of prim and proper suited and tied guys droning on.

Do we need more people who are willing to drop a “damn” or “hell” (maybe not the “f**k” and “s**t” stuff though) when they speak to people at church and at church events and fewer people trying not to offend?

I had some teachers in high school who would swear. It kinda annoyed and offended me at times but at the same time I kinda respected it and I have to admit looking back that I probably listened to them more and learned more and paid attention more.

I’m not saying that a potty mouth is the be all and end all. I’m just wondering if we have a shortage of people who will lift up Christ while speaking in the language of the masses?

Whaddya think?

(Part of me feels bad posting this pic. Its so not me. Okay, except for when I’m in rush hour traffic…)