Tag Archives: style

A Little Flash Ain’t Bad by Miz Pink

I’m not really a fan of pastors and churches that turn on the glitz. I certainly don’t like to see pastors who drive Cadillacs or Saabs or Infinitis that I know the congregation directly or indirectly paid for. Custom suits that for a single one might cost most than an average churchmember’s entire wardrobe don’t make me happy.

That because God doesn’t want us to be about style or showmanship. Being good storytellers and truthtellers sure…I mean, that’s what Jesus was. But he wasn’t about being flashy.

Pink HatThat said, a little flash ain’t bad.

Because when you go the other direction and start dressing like you look like you should be in a welfare line (even though you’re employed) or should be on the cast of “The Waltons” or in a Mormon commune out in the boonies…well, that doesn’t work either. Certainly not for attracting anyone to the idea of a spiritual lifestyle.

What I want to see is for people to be modest, real and reasonable in their Christianity when it comes to makeup, dress, attitude, etc. etc. etc. So I don’t want to see Christians dressing like hootchie mommas out in public. I dont’ want to see them wasting money on brand names that are way beyond their means. I don’t want to see something nasty or out of character. Show your tatoos, but maybe steer away from getting ones of naked hussies and skulls with bloody knives through them.

But be yourself. As a Christian, that’s the best thing you can be because if you are yourself, you are real and you have that special “flash” that shows your own style, people might see that being a Christian doens’t mean some kind of uniform to wear and lockstep policies to follow.

Don’t be flashy. But do have some flash all your own.